The regulatory power of national public ministry council

a re-reading in the light of the proposal of adjustment term of conduct in the field of adminis-trative sanctioning law


  • André Farah



Regulatory Power, Autonomy Principle, National Public Ministry Council


The following paper reflects the regulatory power of National Public Ministry Council. In the purpose to verify how this is done, the proposal for the use of an adjustment term of conduct in administrative sanctionatory law was chosen for study. Parallel to this, the text alerts to the necessary respect of the constitutional principle of Parquet´s administrative autonomy. With this in mind and looking at this proposal, the use of parameters is suggested in order to strike a balance between the aforementioned regulatory power and respect for the principle of autonomy. The methodology uses bibliographic and documentary research, with research of secondary data produced by the Council and by the doctrine, anchored in a qualitative approach.

Author Biography

André Farah

Promotor de Justiça do MPRJ e mestre em Direito Público, pela UERJ, com graduação pela PUC-Rio.



How to Cite

Farah, A. (2018). The regulatory power of national public ministry council: a re-reading in the light of the proposal of adjustment term of conduct in the field of adminis-trative sanctioning law. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 10(1), 199–215.



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