Children and adolescents as passive subjects of criminal law

treatment and protection


  • Gretter Valdés Rosales
  • Marisol Brito Villalta



Children and adolecents, Criminal law, Treatment of children


This article treats children and adolescents as passive subjects of law. It stipulates that the signatory states shall ensure that the child, who is able to form his or her own judgment, the right to express his or her opinion freely in all matters affecting the child. It pursues as an aim to provoke reflections around those who have the responsi­bility to make effective the protection of the children, supporting us in the science of the victimology and responsibility of the prosecutor as the maximum vigilante of the legality, from the perspective of the substantive and adjective penal law representative of the state power of Cuba, for which the training and development of children have special protection. It considers theoretical and doctrinal aspects of criminal law. In addition, it deals with the treatment of children in the penal system.

Author Biographies

Gretter Valdés Rosales

Fiscal. Fiscalía Provincial Camagüey.

Marisol Brito Villalta

Fiscal. Fiscalía Provincial Camagüey.



How to Cite

Rosales, G. V., & Villalta, M. B. (2017). Children and adolescents as passive subjects of criminal law: treatment and protection . ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 9(1), 287–300.



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