Why the maximum experience in the national and international legal experience: tension between politics and law
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Maxims of experience, Presidential pardon, National and international legal order, Political desiresAbstract
In the present essay, we propose to make a brief study about the maxims of legal experience in general, that is, its concept, its doctrine, its advances, and, its proper place in the evaluation of the test, for which the analysis will serve of some cases, and, its possible application as a challenge of justice, having to face a strong and permanent tension between Politics and Law, as for example, the presidential pardon given in our country, which more than represent a merely facultative act of power of a President of the Republic, had to adapt to a contemporary legal world, which not only dictates laws, rules, decrees, or other normative provisions at will, but, that must assume valid reasons - also balanced and even common sense -, and, based on a contemporary legal argument, efficient and especially in a justification according to the national legal order (to the constitutional spirit) and International (to the spirit of world agreements), beyond a pure political desire, which on many occasions leans toward “what is convenient”, “what is useful”, leaving aside “just” as a decision criterion, which can imply impunity in the sentence, or, also in the execution of the sentence, we must not forget that we all do politics in a certain way, according to Aristotle, and, being the President of the Republic the first politician of the Nation, here or in any nation, it must behave as such, but aimed at respecting not only the Constitution of its country, but also international ethical and legal norms. So this essay seeks to be a philosophical legal reflection of how the maxims of experience can be applied in various circumstances for the sake of the truth and for the good of the solution of those cases, which can be considered thorny.
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