The implementation of the penalty before the final judgement
an approach of the neoconstitutiona list model in the decision of the supreme court
Provisional execution of sentence, Neoconstitutionalist model, Jurisdictional activity, Principle of presumption of InnocenceAbstract
The present article aims to bring an analysis of the new understanding of the Brazilian Supreme Court, inaugurated in the judgment of Habeas Corpus 126.292 and later confirmed in the Habeas Corpus 152.752, regarding the possibility of execution of sentence after the conviction in the second instance. Therefore, the relationship between the decision reached by the Supreme Court and the interpretation techniques developed from the neoconstitutionalist model will be discussed, with the aim of resolving possible conflicts between constitutional rights and guarantees, to the point of making the presumption of innocence more flexible , reflecting the incidence of other principles of same with the same degree of legal relevance, as the Effectiveness of the Criminal Law and the Reasonable duration of the Process. In addition, the influence of the neoconstitutional parameters and of the social factors in the Judiciary performance is demonstrated.
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