The principle of administrative morality in the prevention and repression of corruption

the news of the philosophical counterpoint between Maquiavel and Erasmus of Rotterdam


  • Igor Pereira Pinheiro



Administrative morality, Corruption, Machiavelli, Erasmus of Rotterdam.


The principle of administrative morality is one of the anti-corruption constitutional warrants of a global character that is positive in the Brazilian legal system. To speak of administrative immorality sounds nowadays as synonymous with something wrong. It happens that the history of Western political thought shows that it was not always so. This antagonism, in the Renaissance era, is materialized by the counterpoint of ideas between Niccolo Machiavelli and Erasmo de Rotterdam, whose knowledge is rigorous for all jurists who act in the prevention and repression of corruption, since, occasionally, legitimizing discourses of immoral practices (such as the naming of rulers’ relatives for commissioned positions or functions of trust) from the theoretical substratum 151 Revista Acadêmica Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Ceará formulated by the former and which must be repressed in the light of the latter’s.

Author Biography

Igor Pereira Pinheiro

Promotor de Justiça do MPCE. Especialista e Doutorando em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas pela Universidade de Lisboa. Coordenador da Pós-graduação em Prevenção e Repressão à Corrupção pelo Complexo de Ensino Renato Saraiva (CERS). Autor dos livros “Condutas Vedadas aos Agentes Públicos em Ano Eleitoral”, 2ª edição, pela Editora Fórum, e “Legislação Criminal Eleitoral Comentada”, pela Editora Juspodivm. Professor convidado de diversas Escolas Superiores pelo Brasil (GO, RR, PA e MA).



How to Cite

Pinheiro, I. P. (2018). The principle of administrative morality in the prevention and repression of corruption: the news of the philosophical counterpoint between Maquiavel and Erasmus of Rotterdam. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 10(1), 139–152.



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