A Evolução e o Impacto das Gerações Probatórias na Persecução Penal Sob os Influxos dos Atuais Mecanismos Telefônicos


  • Robério Fernandes UNI7




Provas. Privacidade. Trilogia. Persecução Penal. Tecnologia


The present article has the objective to study the evolution of the generations evidentiary rights and its reflexes in the criminal prosecution carried out by state agents. Theses evidentiary generations are represented by three famous precedents that refer to increasing use of technologies that invade individual intimacy with the aim to produce informational elements and evidence in the scope of the investigation and criminal law process, focusing on exploratory actions of cell phones and their applications.       

In view of the evolution of technologies, cell phones that were originally designed to make and receive phone calls, acquired new features that have made them increasingly complex instruments and indispensable for personal use in contemporary society.

It is considered decisive to revise the national judicial precedents established by the higher courts, establishing similarities and distinctions between different observed concrete cases, in conjunction with international precedents, specifically those signed by the North American Supreme Court.

For this, it is imperative to analyze the lawfulness or illegality of the means of obtaining and the informative elements and evidence collected through access to the data communications, as well as the reverberation of recent judgments in criminal law persecution in the light of constitutional guarantees, legal and doctrinal postulates of criminal law and criminal law process.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, R. (2022). A Evolução e o Impacto das Gerações Probatórias na Persecução Penal Sob os Influxos dos Atuais Mecanismos Telefônicos. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 14(01). https://doi.org/10.54275/raesmpce.v14i01.202