Hannah Arendt's Will on the Banality of Evil

Can Judges and Prosecutors Distinguish Wrong From Crime? Orientations and Perspectives of the Philosophy of Criminal Law


  • Miguel Angel Villalobos Caballero




Philosophy, Criminal law, Philosophy of criminal law, Perversity, Morality and crime


In this essay, Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), a German of Jewish origin, is studied in her capacity as a philosopher, and in turn for her contribution to Criminal Law -perhaps in an unconscious but valuable way-, thus, we will notice in her thought and basically in his work Eichmann in Jerusalem "A study on the banality of evil" the orientations and perspectives that are noticed in the observation, perspective from the perspective of the philosopher, in a criminal trial held in Jerusalem in 1961 against one of the most criminal human beings in WWII. Thus, by way of philosophical reflection and within the area of ​​the philosophy of Criminal Law, we ask ourselves: If a human person is or can be so evil in a society that by moving away from the Law, he can act with inequity? What does Positive Law say? And, how do contemporary judges and prosecutors take care today that this perversity, regardless of the law, cannot be conspired again and carried out against the Common Welfare of humanity? 


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How to Cite

Villalobos Caballero, M. A. (2022). Hannah Arendt’s Will on the Banality of Evil: Can Judges and Prosecutors Distinguish Wrong From Crime? Orientations and Perspectives of the Philosophy of Criminal Law. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 14(01). https://doi.org/10.54275/raesmpce.v14i01.220