The effective exercise of the public service by people with disabilities through the writ of injuction
Right to work, Disabilities, Public Offices, InjunctionsAbstract
The evolution of the rights of the persons with disabilities gained notorious improvements during the decade from 1980 and 1990. In this time, this group succeeded in including its requests in the international agenda, approving important international treaties and conventions in its favor. Among these, the most important is undoubtedly the New York convention, which was received into Brazilian legislature in the condition of a constitutional amendment. In the lights of this amendment, the Brazilian law of inclusion (law no 13.146; 2015) was enacted with the goal of securing the rights of the persons with disabilities, and included within these we can highlight the right to work. Although working can be seen as the productive exercise of citizenship, and in spite of the great advances seen in respect to the access of persons with disabilities to the right work in Brazil, there is still a lot to be done for this right to be effectively implemented. Specifically to the work in public offices, the Federal Constitution promotes the first affirmative action in this direction by enforcing that a minimum number of the available jobs in the government be secured for persons with disabilities. However, after being admitted into the public office, the person with disability usually faces great difficulties in performing the appointed tasks in view of the absence of the proper adaptations of the public institutions for their particular situation. The problem is not limited to the lack of adequate equipment, but also the need of the necessary regulation to guide the actions of the public manager, which often becomes a great obstacle to the materialization of the important right. At this moment, the use of injunctions comes forth as a possible way to compel the Judiciary to provide a proper legal solution for the case in hand, and, consequently help these persons with disabilities to overcome the barriers that prevent them of exercising that which is constitutionally guaranteed for them: the right to work.
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