The construction of the enemy: haters and the culture of hate


  • João Gaspar Rodrigues Ministério Público do Amazonas



Hater. Cultivo do ódio online e offline. Redes sociais. Compreensão. Enfrentamento.


In this study, the conceptual contours of the term "hater" are analyzed through a bibliographic and exploratory review, situating it within the historical and current context. Various moral, psychological, social, and emotional factors that determine the phenomenon are the focus of attention. The essay's development also encompasses hate crimes, the stylization of hostile affection, and coping strategies. These strategies may involve not only psychological, moral, and legal comprehension of the behavior but also social approaches to mitigate its consequences. In conclusion, a synthesis is presented regarding possible future research directions and recommendations for addressing the proliferation of "haters".


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, J. G. (2024). The construction of the enemy: haters and the culture of hate . ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 16(1).