The legitimacy of Public Prosecutors for abstract control of constitutionality of municipal law




Abstract constitucional control, Municipal law, Legitimation, PuBic Persecutor


The article intends to analyze the constitutional law of the State of Ceará. It examines the abstract constitutional control of the municipal law and the legitimation of people to claim their judicial review. This analysis intends to demonstrate the ruling of GeneralPublic Prosecutor of the State of Ceará to demand the process of abstract constitutional control of the municipal law. The work researches principles the interpretation of law in order to provide some purposes of good constitutional application like unity, integration and normative power. The article also verifies how the concept of municipal autonomy principle have changed over time to contemplate the notion of cooperation among federation members. The paper concludes that the Public Prosecutor must be legitimate on the process of abstract constitutional control of the municipal law because it can contribute to municipal autonomy and enhance the constitutional principles of unity, integration and normative power of constitutional law of the State of Ceará.

Author Biographies

Daniele Carneiro Fontenele

Graduada em direito pela UFC e pós-graduada pela Universidade Federal do Ceará em parceria com a Escola Superior do Ministério Público.

Nestor Alexandre de Sousa Júnior

Possui mestrado em direito (direito e desenvolvimento) pela universidade federal do ceará (2004). Atualmente é professor auxiliar da universidade de fortaleza, professor da escola superior do ministerio publico do estado do ceara e promotor de justiça do ministério público do estado do ceara. Tem experiência na área de direito, com ênfase em direito, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: procedimento, constituição, segurança jurídica, direitos sociais e ação.



How to Cite

Fontenele, D. C., & Sousa Júnior, N. A. de. (2020). The legitimacy of Public Prosecutors for abstract control of constitutionality of municipal law. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 12(2), 9–30.



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