Rational control of absolution criminal decisions of the Jury

essay on a theory of jurisdictional control of clemency





Appeal, Generic question, Absolution based upon clemency, Rational control, Qualified and simple clemency


The article analyzes the possibility of appeal by the Public Prosecutor concerning absolution decisions rendered by the jury based on the generic question. The three main trends of understanding that discuss the legitimacy of absolution due to clemency and its control by appeal are studied. The Constitution, through the principle of reasonableness, and the CPP, through arts. 472, 495, XIV and 593, III, d, demand that this verdict must be grounded upon evidences and keep harmony with equity. It is proposed to distinguish between two kinds of clemency: qualified and simple.

Author Biographies

Francisco Elnatan Carlos de Oliveira Júnior

Promotor de Justiça do Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará. Especialista em Ciências Penais (UNISUL). Mestrando em Direito Constitucional (UNIFOR).

Eduardo Rocha Dias

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional da Universidade de Fortaleza UNIFOR. Procurador Federal da Advocacia-Geral da União. Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de Lisboa.



How to Cite

Oliveira Júnior, F. E. C. de, & Dias, E. R. (2020). Rational control of absolution criminal decisions of the Jury: essay on a theory of jurisdictional control of clemency. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 12(2), 55–80. https://doi.org/10.54275/raesmpce.v12i2.43



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