The judicialization of environmental issues and its impacts of ecologically balanced environment
a law enforcement case study n° 9.985/2000
Environment, Judicialization, Law nº 9.985/2000Abstract
After the enactment of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which established a separate chapter to address environmental issues, issues related to environmental law have received increasing attention of patriotic legislators. Regarding the application of the rules of this branch of law, however, it is still below the level of execution of the same. Thus, in view of the urgency today of environmental protection, there is also an increasing judicialization of these issues, with the transfer of the executive branch to the judiciary’s responsibility to ensure the implementation of environmental protection. Considering the various laws that have been prepared on environmental law, there is the 9985 Law of 18 July 2000, which established the National Nature Conservation Areas System. It was established to regulate the article 225, § 1, items I, II, III and VII of the Charter. Its highlight is from big impact on case law of the Brazilian courts. It is, of course example, standard that its effectiveness has been guaranteed by the judicial intervention on environmental public policies promoted by the Executive Branch. The main objective of this work is to conduct a study on the legal effects of this judicial means seeking to ensure the implementation of existing environmental standards. It was concluded that the legalization of environmental issues is something quite common today, as can be seen from the various decisions in higher courts of the seat relating to the implementation of Law No. 9.985 / 2000. Finally, the fact that there was the need for judicial intervention in the issue of protection, given the urgency regarding environmental protection, however, and there is a clear direct interference of a power on the other, causing a certain imbalance among them, the legalization growing of a number of rights, such as environmental rights, has promoted a greater burden on the judiciary, thus jeopardizing the effectiveness of judicial decisions.
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