The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the field of social security law in the argentine republic


  • Patricio Jorge Torti Cerquetti



Public Prosecutor`s Office, Constitution, Social Security Law


In Argentina, until 1994, the Public Ministry lacked constitutional status. Only after the constitutional reform and the enactment of the Organic Law of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (first the law 24,946 and then the law 27,148) was finished delimiting its mission and its role in the different types of process. In this article, reference will be made to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in its special intervention in the field of Social Security Law in Argentina.

Author Biography

Patricio Jorge Torti Cerquetti

Abogado. Secretario Federal de la Fiscalía Federal de Primera Instancia de la Seguridad Social Nº 1, Ministerio Público Fiscal (Argentina). Especialista en Derecho Judicial (UCES). Diplomado en Seguridad Social (UCES). Especialista en Gestión de Recaudación de los Recursos de la Seguridad Social (CEDDET). Doctorando en Ciencias Jurídicas (UCA). Docente universitario de las materias Derecho Constitucional (UCES) y Derecho de la Seguridad Social (UNLZ). Director de la Revista Argentina de Derecho de la Seguridad Social (IJ Editores). Publicista.



How to Cite

Cerquetti, P. J. T. (2019). The role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the field of social security law in the argentine republic. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 11(1), 261–276.



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