Publicity and transparency of public accounts

comprehensibility as an concrete element of constitutional command


  • Francisco Antônio Ferreira de Carvalho



Public Accounts, Advertising, Transparency, Comprehensibility


According to the Brazilian legal system, transparency in Public Administration, especially with regard to public accounts, is a principle of responsible fiscal management, directly linked to the constitutional order of publicity, and it is necessary at the same time to conjugate the element for comprehensibility , Since data and information may be formally public but not prove to be materially transparent, reliable and understandable in order to comply with constitutional orders in a Democratic Rule of Law. More than guaranteeing compliance with legal norms, transparency and publicity initiatives constitute a responsible management policy that favors the exercise of citizenship and, in this context, comprehensibility reverts to an indispensable condition. The research proposed here is methodologically a bibliographic, analytical, exploratory, inductive and qualitative work.

Author Biography

Francisco Antônio Ferreira de Carvalho

Graduado em Licenciatura Plena em História, Administração e Direito. Atualmente exerce o cargo de Técnico Ministerial do Quadro de Pessoal Permanente da Procuradoria Geral de Justiça do Estado do Ceará.



How to Cite

Carvalho, F. A. F. de. (2019). Publicity and transparency of public accounts: comprehensibility as an concrete element of constitutional command. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 11(2), 51–69.



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