Blockchain Legalization
Nomotehnical Framework and Open Questions
DOI: clave:
Blockchain, Nomotechnics, Special law, Regulation, LegalizationResumen
It is human nature to conquer and submit to rules, so it is not surprising that blockchain case same intention comes to light, despite decentralization and the avoidance of supreme authority as the guiding idea of technology. In this paper, the author points out the relevant provisions of a single law that should regulate the application of blockchain technology in various spheres of social life in the future. Special emphasis is placed on the requirement to avoid partial solutions through special laws that regulate other issues different from blockchain, key parts of the legal text, stakeholders. In conclusion, author points to the objective need to enact a law on blockchain, elements that the legislator must take into account when passing the law and considers the application of sanctions in case of non-compliance with the law.
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