The role of the Brazilian Public prosecution in ensuring the right to family and Community coexistence of Children and Adolescents
Public Prosecutor’s Office, Children and Adolescents, Right to Family and Community LivingAbstract
The right to family and community coexistence of children and adolescents is legally established in constitutional norms and principles, this right is based on the principle of Integral Protection that will only be shown when guaranteed to the infant his physical, mental and social development in a family environment appropriate. In this way, it is the role of the Public Prosecution Service, in a constitutional prism, to defend social and individual interests that are unavailable, in which the defense of the right of children and adolescents to family and community coexistence. In order to guarantee this specific right, the Public Prosecution Service may act in its own name, as a procedural substitute, with the attribution, being the body responsible for filing protective measures, Collective or Individual Civil Actions and Action for Dismissal of Family Power. It should be stressed that not only the parents or guardians should be subject to responsibility by the ministerial body, the State, by its various entities, which is jointly responsible for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents, has been a vilification of these rights, when does not give the infant protection a useful response in a reasonable time for the duration of his or her process. In this sense, the objective of the article is to present the measures and actions of attribution of the Public Prosecutor that can effect the right to family and community coexistence of children and adolescents in a situation of institutionalization.
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