Concession gravidic food

a critical analysis about the law 11.804/2008


  • Marina Girão de Oliveira Machado



Civil Law, Family, Gravidic Food


The present study addresses the importance of Concession Gravidic Food 11.804/2008 by law, showing its constitutionality in the face of possible technical problems that may exist, showing that the intended purpose the law is of crucial importance for the maintenance of life the human from conception, which makes it a legal protection that is fully consistent with the fundamental principle of Human Dignity. The metho­dological approach and free exploration on the topic presented and the type of literature using relevant laws and doctrines. Address the issues and procedural matters concerning the applicability of Food Law in the Brazilian legal gravidic tying its legal basis to the existing constitutional principles, what makes an effective guarantee of the rights contained therein. Concluding the position in defense of Law 11.804/2008 pressing forward the need arising from the human being in formation, consoli­dating itself as a measure of full justice.

Author Biography

Marina Girão de Oliveira Machado

Advogada, Pós-Graduada em Direito Constitucional pela Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Ceará – ESMP/CE.



How to Cite

Machado, M. G. de O. (2018). Concession gravidic food: a critical analysis about the law 11.804/2008 . ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 10(2), 91–110.



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