The inconstitutional state of affairs of health and the necessary institutional dialogue between state functions


  • Rodrigo de Luna Lima Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará



Right to Health, Unconstitutional State of Affairs, Institutional Dialogues


This article discusses the possible existence of the Unconstitutional State of Affairs in the Brazil’s public health. In order to that, it presents the concept of fundamental right and analyzes it from the perspective of its objective and subjective dimensions, it discusses about the dis­crepancy between normative prediction and factual reality as a kind of unconstitutionality, it discusses aspects of entitlement to health, it presents the concept and requirements of the Unconstitutional State of Affairs and it discusses the possible existence of this unconstitutionality in the Brazil’s public health. Finally, it ponders the need for institutional dialogues with the objective of resolving state omissions and deficiencies in public health policies. Afterwards, this work is based on an exploratory research, using the qualitative approach to evidence the value analysis about the research object. In order to subsidize the theoretical corpus for the discussion of the subject, we also used bibliographical research, through articles, legal websites, books and others.

Author Biography

Rodrigo de Luna Lima, Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará

Técnico Ministerial do Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará, lotado na Secretaria-Executiva das Promotorias de Justiça de Defesa da Saúde Pública de Fortaleza. Graduado em Direito pela Faculdade Metropolitana da Grande Fortaleza - FAMETRO



How to Cite

Lima, R. de L. (2018). The inconstitutional state of affairs of health and the necessary institutional dialogue between state functions . ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 10(2), 111–132.



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