Legal gap related to the infraction act analogous to the crime of rape of vulnerable and the possibi¬lity of relativization of the victim’s vulnerability


  • Denisson Gonçalves Chaves Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão (UNISULMA)
  • Mágila Martins Furtado



Rape of vulnerable, Infraction act, Vulnerability, Legal gap, Romeu and Juliet law


The present work analyzes the adequability of the legal, doctrinal and jurisprudence understandings related to victim’s vulnerability in cases of infraction act analogous to the crime of rape of vulnerable when the sexual act is committed between adolescents with consent. For this purpose, it was used the qualitive method, considering that this is an exploratory study done through a deep bibliographical research. It could be verified that there is a legal gap related to the infraction act analogous to the crime of rape of vulnerable, which requires of the operators of the Law a specific analysis of cases involving consenting sexual intercourse among adolescents. As a solution to the legal gap, it is advocated that should be adopted in Brazil a similar clause to the exception of Romeu and Juliet, used in some states of the United States of America to des­criminalize the sexual relationship among adolescents when the age difference between them is equal to or less than five years.

Author Biographies

Denisson Gonçalves Chaves, Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão (UNISULMA)

Mestre em Direito e Instituições do Sistema de Justiça (UFMA); Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA);Professor na Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão (UNISULMA); Professor na Faculdade de Imperatriz - FACIMP WYDEN; Pesquisador no Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura, Direito e Sociedade; Coordenador do Núcleo de Pesquisas Jurídicas de Imperatriz - Democracia e Direitos Fundamentais (NUPEJI).   

Mágila Martins Furtado

Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). Advogada na seccional do Maranhão.



How to Cite

Chaves, D. G., & Furtado, M. M. (2018). Legal gap related to the infraction act analogous to the crime of rape of vulnerable and the possibi¬lity of relativization of the victim’s vulnerability . ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 10(2), 133–153.



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