Public contracts through the accession process


  • Tatiane Costa Silva Gomes



Public Administration, Bidding, Minutes of Price Registration, Accessions


The Public procurement must be carried out according to the legal norms and principles of Administrative Law. The Federal Constitution establishes that the public contract requires prior bidding. From these bidding procedures we come across the figure of the “hitchhiking” process, regulated by Federal Decree N. 7.982/2013. Such procedure allows the hiring of a certain good or service using a bid made by another agency, upon its authorization, and provided that it was made by the Price Registration System. It is important to know the situations in which such action is beneficial to the Public Administration, what are the precautions to be taken in the adhesions and the risks to which the managers are exposed when proceeding with the contract resulting from the “hitchhiking”. The method used was bibliographic research, since it seeks to reach a conclusion on the risks when misuse or the lack of analysis of the bidding process when hiring through hitchhiking processes. The present study will be qualitative.

Author Biography

Tatiane Costa Silva Gomes

Tecnóloga em gestão de empresas. Bacharel em direito. Funcionária pública municipal, atualmente exercendo funções na Defensoria Pública do Estado do Ceará.



How to Cite

Gomes, T. C. S. (2020). Public contracts through the accession process. ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION, 12(1), 73–98.



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